Summer is for Win-Back

Summer is for sun, sand and client win-back campaigns

Everyone changes their routine in the summer.  Clients travel, do more outdoor activities and perhaps are less committed to their in-studio routines than you'd like.  

But there's opportunity in the relaxed summer structure -- time to reach out to lapsed clients, say hello and offer an opportunity to re-introduce them to your studio. 

Just as your regulars are changing up their routine, your lapsed clients are too and very likely will love to hear from you. 

This week, send your lapsed customers a personal email.  Give them a short but sweet update on any news in your life and ask about theirs ("Little Johnny graduated pre-school this month.  He's growing up so fast! How is your brood?").  

Then offer a soft incentive to come back in and get those feet in straps again ("We'd love to see you in the studio again.  If your schedule ever allows, please come in for a session. I'm happy to extend friends and family pricing for your visit").

Nine times out of 10, the client will reply back thrilled to have heard from you ("I've been thinking about you so much lately! All the ladies in my book club have started Pilates and I have told them -- your studio is the best one of them all.  I am dying to come back in.  Thank you for reaching out").  

So give it a try.  Send out 10 emails this week and another 10 next week and let me know your results.