Prepare for Q4 Now

Prepare for Q4 Now

 Yes yes yes.  I know it's summer and part of you just wants to shut off and enjoy the sun and sand.  However, summer is the ideal time to take stock in what you have accomplished in the first half of the year and make your Q4 plan so you can meet your 2024 goals.  

Take inventory: 

  • Have you met your revenue goals?  Are you on track to make your goals for 2024?
  • What has been your new client conversion rate?
  •  Are your employees delivering what you need them to deliver?  Do you need to set up a mid year review for each of them?
  • Do you need to come up with an incentive program for any of your staff to help improve any aspect of your business? 
  • Do you need to set a staff meeting for after the summer holiday? If so, what's on the agenda? 
  • What's your communication strategy (as outlined above)?


If your business is a business and not a hobby, planning is a critical part of ownership.  So put your lounge chair within range of a wifi signal, pop open that computer and start crafting our Q4 strategy. 

Want help?  Book a call