Hello Beautiful....

I'm Jessica, the founder and 

visionary behind 

the Evolve Group.

I'm a 20+ year Studio Owner, Curriculum Designer, Entrepreneurial Addict and "abnormally obsessed" Pilates Teacher


It is my mission -- from my core (hee hee) -- to build our Studio Owner community and provide the resources and tools you need to grow.  

This began with making EYT Pilates Teacher Training accessible and achievable to more people while making it rewarding for the Studio Owners gracious enough to host it. 

After working with many Studio Owners through EYT, it became so clear that so many needed more support by way of systems, standard operating procedures and business strategy. 

There's never been a How-To guide for Studio Owners so many feel lost, overwhelmed and burnt out. 

So I made one.  

I have built, moved, and expanded multiple studios

I have purchased and sold studios

I have trained, hired and fired employees

I have had amazing locations with great landlords, miserable locations with horrible landlords and experiences that could make for a best selling book (not bluffing)


I've lost my studio to a fire.  Then two years later to a flood.  Then Covid happened

I have tried and failed.  Tried and succeeded.  Moved forwards, moved backwards, moved laterally, pivoted ....

I've seen all sides of this business - and had to figure out every step on my own.  Proper support and guidance was out of reach....

20+ Years of Studio Ownership...Summed up in a Paragraph

Anything you spend more than 40 hours a week for more than 20 years doing, is badass.  It's badass that I'm not just surviving after all of these years, but thriving, evolving and continually learning. 

Every decision I've made I have treated as a new learning experience.  Every time I teach or mentor a new Teacher or studio Owner, I see the this business through fresh eyes. Every time I problem solve with one of my Owner-colleagues, I am in awe of what I have accomplished and overcome...and it never ever gets old, but rather more nuanced, more elegant, more effective, wiser.

I'm now sharing those experiences, through a road map that flashes warnings signs where there are obstacles, notifies you of possible traffic ahead or tells you where you might want to take the exit ramp.   

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I'm really annoying actually.

And so became my first Pilates Studio.  

Shared with the laundry room of a gym, with no windows and only one reformer, I was clearly not selling ambiance.  But I quickly grew from 0 clients on Day 1 to 50 private sessions a week in 6 months. 

Over the next 15 years, I expanded till I reached 3000 square feet with nearly 50 pieces of large and small apparatus; bought and flipped a gym, started and sold a fitness retail store, acquired a competitive studio and merged with mine, and, of course, maintained a high standard of teaching and teacher -training.  

I'm never without a goal to strive for and a plan to make it happen.  I'm annoying actually. 

All of that has led me here.

Covid was a moment in time that gave all of us pause and the opportunity to say "what now?".  I think in those early months, we didn't know what our industry would look like on "the other side" of this experience.  So I got to work.

Opportunities Are Everywhere If You're Prepared 

A few months into Covid, I started to get that feeling I get...that there was an evolution coming within me and within my business.  I didn't know what the opportunity was, but when it arrived I wanted to be prepared.  

So I rented a small filming space, hired a videographer, and called one of my friends/clients and started filming the entire Teacher Training program. I was going to convert it to an online platform to prepare for the post-covid world. 

What I didn't realize then - and I see so clearly now - is how many studios and studio owners could use this tool and system I was building to bring Pilates Teacher Training to their studios and communities.  

So here we are.  A robust Pilates Teacher Training program combined with a network of passionate Hosts around the globe combining forces to grow our studios and this industry from a grassroots, studio-by-studio place of knowledge sharing and mentorship rather than profit and red-tape.  

"Every accomplishement starts with the decision to try."

~ John F. Kennedy

I'm all about

Early morning creative time. Connecting others. Mountain Valley Water. Learning new things. Starbucks. Resilience. 

I'm not about

The words "I can't", because I know I can.  Dreaming as I prefer doing. Sleeping in. Wallowing in yesterday. Judging others.   


The perfect 



  • You are passionate about growing and evolving your business or yourself. 
  • You believe in teamwork
  • You are someone who thinks in terms of opportunity and improvement 
  • You don't see obstacles but rather challenges that need to be overcome and the idea of doing that excites you
  • You love dogs
  • You're a pisces with a aries moon rising (I'm just kidding.  I don't know anything about astrology).
  • Happy is your default setting

Here's how I can help


You can Host, become a Master Teacher, or an Affiliate.  You can join the Network and receive all the benefits of unity or you can just get our email and join us when you're ready. 

But if you want to chat -- just click below and schedule time to meet.  I love making new friends.  

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Making us all better at business is where it's at.  Subscribe to the newsletter and see us in your inbox each Monday.  

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